BGO: News

REjournals: Chicago office of BentallGreenOak volunteers for Habitat for Humanity in West Pullman

Written by BGO | Aug 27, 2019 2:20:00 PM

On August 16, the Chicago office of BentallGreenOak participated in Habitat for Humanity Chicago’s Build Day in the West Pullman neighborhood. Through its Corporate Caring program, the company funded high-efficiency windows, insulation, tankless water heaters and other sustainable building materials.

By the end of this century, Chicago could be dealing with three times as many 90-plus-degree days, if not more. But it’s not just uncomfortable—it creates real financial hardship, particularly for those in lower-income communities. Affordable housing may be a good start—but environmentally sustainable building features are called for to help fight the particularly devastating impacts of extreme weather.

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