The Chief Economist: The Day After April Fools' Day Edition - Seriously...

Welcome back readers to another fun edition of The Chief Economist, my name is Ryan Severino, CFA and I'll be having a little extra fun this week with our newsletter but still delivering some serious analysis for you all on the latest with the U.S. economy and related impacts to commercial real estate.
My team and I at BGO are economists and researchers, not comedians. But if you are a frequent reader of this weekly, you also surely know that the opposite is true and that the joke is on those who predicted a recession over the last two years and on those that continue to scaremonger about one occurring in the near term. The US economy remains incredibly robust, increasingly setting itself apart from the rest of the developed world. And as the first quarter concluded, the data reaffirmed such strength. How long before that translates into better commercial real estate (CRE) performance?